
2024-04-27 13:57:36.766492657 +0000 UTC

Straetyrius, 3:16

” Let not the allure of [ REDACTED ] bleed into you mind. Let not his poison invade your light.

_He_ speaks in the tongue of serpents; the dialect of the old world.    
	Aethiliasyl; protects the world beyond ours.    
		Naviliasyl; commands the realm below our own. "

Straetyrius, 9:2

” Wake the beast from beyond, these days are numbered. Come forth to endure

the domination of [ REDACTED ].  
	Whence the day come when the helm be heedless,   
		the the realms beyond and before will meet;  
			we will all become one with _him_. "

Straetyrius, 13:13

” The means of his suffuse is beyond the perception of our kin.

Brother and Son alike, I demand your requisition!  
	The [ REDACTED ] will consume all, we will all be 
		condemned to the Weltraumgeist!  
			Plucked from the vine, you will submit to _his_ calling,   
					you will join the One Mind! "

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