
2024-04-27 13:58:53.624919823 +0000 UTC


part 2

The group of erroneously unbothered individuals followed the Administrator toward the end of the hallway, where two hospital style doors were propped open with rubber feet, the rubber adhering to the porcelain white floors like glue.

The mouth of the hallway existed in a state of uncertain horror, unobstructed by its previous bastions of termination. As the flock and their leader encroached on the last few meters of limbo, an anxious sensation quickly built up at the crown of his skull, only to for its tension to burst and it rushed down through his body, filling his cold hands with an aching desire to leave. It continued downward filling his legs and feet, promptly exiting through the soles of his shoes and into the floor with a shiver. The administrator stopped at the mouth, and without moving her body, she cocked her head to the side horizontally and spoke from the corner of her mouth.

“At our installation here we believe in the core values that birthed the new age.”

Her left arm lifted next to her face, forming a fist with the back of her hand facing towards the crowd. The ninety degree angle of her elbow left her forearm to hold her hand within eyeline.

Her pointer finger shot up.

“The mind is potent, we must Think As One”

Then her middle.

“The heart is unknowing, you must Love As One”

Followed by her ring finger, wherein the shockingly vacant real estate of courtship flaunted itself rearward.

“The safety of the group is jeopardized by the daring few, Fear As One.”

And with her pinky following pursuit of the previous three, she stated:

“To be inert is to be safe.”

Before clenching her hand into a fist, as if to emphasize the weight of her belief in the ChiralWorks creed. The constituents looked among themselves, in weary approval. The anxious feeling that had just moments ago warned him of a place like this reached fruition as it manifested into a deep nauseating fear that urged him to turn on his heels and leave.

He looked backwards to the entrance of the hallway where his eyes found the closed double doors, crested by an un-illuminated exit sign, as if to signify the unreachable world beyond its steel and glass veil. Even though he held the rear of the flock, the distance between him and the uncertain function of the doors wasnt more than a school bus length, the effort and shamelessness it seemed to take to close that distance was insurmountably large.

He swallowed and a bead of cold sweat formed above his temple.

Looking back forward he traded sight with the girl from the briefing room. She seemed much less guarded now. It appeared as though she was riding the same train of thought. The look in her eyes gave off the impression that she was feeling just as apprehensive toward this whole thing, albeit less anxious than he was. The desire to speak was never stronger.

The administrator interrupted their visual charades:

“Now, without any further housekeeping, we will make our way to the onboarding bay where you will all undergo a preliminary drug screening and Psycho-Cranial Imaging & electrotherapy”

The unfortunate timing of the girls decisive action resulted in the administrator turning around to see the girl take a measly - yet decisive two steps toward the door and away from the chilling secrecy of the PCIE rooms.

The administrators voice imbued the same sharp tone that scolded him just moments before.

“Ms. Keyes, I must woefully inform you that your opportunity to leave has long since passed. “

She stopped, unable to deflect the tone nor pressure that fired from this womans mouth.

“I didn’t have the chance earlier, something came up- “

The bolt slammed to the rear of it’s travel, introducing a new round to be chambered before closing the action and following up with another shot, shredding apart any modicum of ownership that she had in the exchange.

“And while I do detest any sort of display of disobedience, such as this or the act that tainted the onboarding room earlier - “

Her sights trained on the young man. Her disapproval burned through his weakened mental guard and toyed with his vulnerability just as a cat would limp along a fresh catch. The barrel was still smoking, but she reciprocated the charging handle once more to let the last round into battery.

“Do not make this difficult. You will regret it.”

Her finger sat firmly on the trigger, depressing it tantalizingly close to trigger wall. A few more grams of force and it would send that last round straight through Ms. Keyes chest cavity, taking her spirit and her freewill along with it.

“Will there be any further interruptions, or can we move along?”

Her finger lifted off gently, and moved out of the trigger gaurd.

The collective silence spoke for them all. Ms Keyes; defeated turned back around, head down, not paying him any mind while doing so.

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